Thursday, July 19, 2012

Words In a Whisper

I'm there in the shadows
I'm with you in the sunset
I'm with you in the clouds
I'm with you in your dreams
When life gets too hard to bare

I'm with you when your alone
When the kids are gone or asleep
I see you when you cry
I lay with you to wipe your tears

When you feel the wind on your face 
That's me giving you air to breathe
To help you go on another day
When you see a bright light
That's me showing you there's no need to fear
When you see me in your dreams
That's me telling you I love you
Everything will be ok

When you remember a memory of us
That's me helping you to never to forget who I was
When you remember the love we shared
That's me showing you I love you and always will

When life gets hard remember 
The sweet embrace of my hand helping you through
When you smile from a beautiful scenery
I'm sharing the beautiful creations that God made

Remember that I love you
Remember my love
Remember my strength
Remember who I was
Remember my touch
But most of all remember I am with you
I'll always make things ok for you

Do not fear when troubles come
because I'll guide you
Guide you to the right path
I'm there always and forever
Never give up never give in
To the pain of losing me
Because you didn't lose me I'm here

My departure is not forever
It's only for a little while
We will be together once again
Until then hold on and be strong
Remember again I love you
Never lose hope...

Friday, July 13, 2012

Precious Gift (Poem)

God gave you a precious gift
That you past onto me
To love and cherish
To hold close to my heart

A precious gift created in the image 
Of you and his wonderful father
I kept a promise to you both 
That I would love that gift always and forever
And I have never broke it

I have never lost sight of how precious that gift is
It brings so much happiness when I think of him
and everything he has to offer
The joy he brings to the world
When he smiles makes me feel blessed

I have never loved something as wonderful as he
Nothing has made me as happy or gave me such joy
He takes my breath away, gives me butterflies
The light he gives out shines so bright
It shines bright on my heart and soul

I sometimes have forgotten how precious he was and for that
I sincerely and truly apologize

My heart gives you so much appreciate for passing on 
such a wonderful gift
My heart feels so lucky to have felt such a love
And for eternity I will hold it dear to my soul
My soul longs to be near him
My heart aches for his love
I need him more than life itself
I love him and always will

My precious gift means the world to me
I will hold on to him forever
never let him go because this gift is my reason for living 
breathing and loving

Thank you.....