Monday, November 7, 2011

Little Country Boy (Poem)

So tired of the back and forth bullshit
So tired of the mental and emotional abuse
You love looking down on me
You're tearing me down don't you see

You have to be the one to have the last word
The last say of how my life should be
Building me up and tearing me down
The minute my heart is healed
You open up the wound
You leave to bleed

You have no control of your life
So you have to control mine
Control my precious heart
And stealing who I am

Stealing who I am
With all the yelling, screaming 
And the mental abuse

Why do you hate yourself so much?
Why are you so ungrateful?
Why are you so angry?
Why are you so unhappy?

Fighting the demons in your head
Gripping who you don't want to be
Making you think your a man
A man doesn't lie, abuse
He knows how to treat a woman
Treats her with tender love and care

You think your tough
Your the weakest person I know
Running away from the truth
Not facing what you've done wrong 
Hiding from what's really there

Why are you so afraid? 
Afraid to let people see who you are

A person scared, selfish, mean, ungrateful
All you do is feel sorry for yourself 
Whining and crying poor me, poor me
It's just about you, that's what you call selfish
Thinking only of yourself

How can I love such a person?
It's because my whole life
Has been abuse, believing the lies
Being brain washed, that's what you do
You Brainwash me wash me to believe 
You don't love me

You don't love me 
You don't care
You are a lover of yourself
Never caring about my feelings 
Never wanting to deal with me

You can run away 
But I'll always be in the back of your head
The guilt will haunting you
My face will always there
You will never be free of me
Not until you face what you've done

You want to have the chains on you
You don't want to be free
You want to be stubborn
Why do you want to live like that?

You're only hurting yourself
You're torturing your heart
Your making yourself angry

You're just making me stronger
Making forget you
Making me hate you
Then you will no longer
Have someone to destroy 
All your going to have is yourself
The person you can't stand
The person you hate the most
Continue destroying yourself
Cause that's the only person you're destroying

I'll be free from you
What are you going to do then?
You're going to be lost
No one to turn to 
No one to control
What are you going to do then?

Do you feel like a man?
Do you feel tough?
You think you've won don't you?
No, you've lost
You're losing everything...

Little Country Boy, what the hell is wrong with you?!!!!!!.............

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