Sunday, November 4, 2012

The Night Sky (Poem)

Sitting at the edge of a cliff
looking up at the stars
In a blink of an eye they formto your face
I see you smiling back at me
Its like watching a movie
A sweet love story

Our memories flow through the sky
I hear your laugh and all the loving things you used to say
It warms my heart like a flaming fire out of control
Melting it like a puddle of wax of a burning candle

A sense of peace like no other
feeling your presence with me
Being proud of who you are and what you gave me

Hearing your heartbeat in the wind
Hearing you call my name so sweetly
Feeling the touch of your body which calms my soul
Feeling your arms around me
The sense feeling safe

Its a beautiful scene of love that's so strong
Nothing can break it apart
The bond of two people make it through
Never forgetting what it brings

The stars will never fade away
Just like my love for you
The stars form into words:
"I Love you always and for eternity"
A great ending to a great love story
That will never die, holds on so tightly
Tightly and never letting go...